My Voice

Can Anybody Learn To Sing?

Can anybody learn to sing

Can anybody learn to sing? Unless you are among the 4% of the world population that suffers from the disorder congenital amusia (tone deaf) – Yes. You Can!

Singing is a skill. With proper training from a vocal coach, a lot of effort and practice, you can excel. Your vocal cords are a muscle. And, like any muscle, the more you work it, the more you build it. Any aptitude, inherent or learnt, like nailing pitch, tone and rhythm will hasten the process. So anybody can learn to sing and sing well.  That is, if you want it bad enough.

Practically Singing

The winning combination of passion and persistence will motivate and propel you through the hours of dedicated training and practice. Along with a disciplined approach, the right coach will help you improve and shine.

From a standard singing form to breathing exercises, voice warm ups and mastering the three voices – chest, middle, falsetto. And, even to knowing what and when to eat (and not eat!), there’s quite the range of tips and techniques involved.

This one is a given – never smoke as it dries out your vocal cords. However another, taming your mind to convince it you can sing, before you even begin, might prove the hardest. For example, one early learning exercise includes recording your voice and listening to it over and over. This is with the aim being to get used to and accept it. (How many of us wonder, upon playback and almost always with  incredulity, “Is THIS how I really sound?!”)



Can anybody learn to sing well?  No doubt, the immense amount of time, devotion and practise required are among the reasons many singers, would-be and actual even, don’t reach their full potential. In honing any craft, burning passion, awareness and correction of our shortcomings, repeated valid application of methods and apparatus (vocal cords), ingrains in our consciousness the caliber and depths of our capabilities.

Soulful Singing

Then again, not all of us feel a need to sing like Mariah or Whitney. Like cooking, gardening, painting or dancing, singing is another manner of creative expression. Some of us do it only in the shower. Some while driving in the car – windows rolled up but careless of who can see. Still others more bold and brave at a karaoke session – daring anyone to take the mike away before they are done…

Like many a creative outlet, singing lays bare the soul. Through a myriad of songs written so eloquently, it allows you to spend emotions. Regardless if they relate to your personal circumstances, current or past. Happy or sad. Commiserating or celebratory. Joyous – with or without a religious bent. Angst, frustration, bitterness, anger. Sing. It. Out. With flair.

Can anybody learn to sing?  If they wish to – yes – they can!  For a taste of how sweet it can be to lift your spirits with your voice, try this 5 part Singing Course – absolutely free: